
Welcome to The Underworld

Before I start let me tell you that I turn on my scanner to start working on this post and the stupid HP spits this thing:
out at me! I soon find out that it is an "alignment sheet" for "alignment of the printer cartridge" and then proceeded to waste time "following the instructions listed on the page". Dumb waste of time.
Also, CAT IS GONE!! She has up and left me, Timmy, for 3 weeks to got build houses for the poor, and then trek off to summer camp. She will however be back in time for highschool orientation. EEP! We're gonna be freshmeat! ACK! So lets all hope for her safe return and also that we don't get killed in highschool...
--back on topic--
GREETINGS From The Underworld!
that's the topic of today's post. Dark music, books, clothes, and, my favorite, chocolate. Fist off, we here at Hypnotic Romance would like your opinion on the lovely Vampire Freaks Music Player that is currently serenading you at the bottom of the page. Is Goth/Industrial/Techno your cup of tea and making you want to jump in your bondage pants, or is it giving you a headache, there by inhibiting your reading experience? Post a comment. next
-Vampire Books- a true source of glee for Cat, Timmy, and Timmy's Mum. They are a thrill to read because of their dark angsty plots, and can include a wide array of strange mythical creatures, that are rated on the "Romance Novel Scale of Suckness ♥ " . I, Timmy, blame my Mum for my love of Vampires (Vampire wine anyone?). My Mum is always reading vampy novels, which I gladly rate on the scale, which provides my daily lol's for the day. Which leads me to
-Dark clothes- Let me tell you a secret... TIMMY IS TOTALLY A CLOSET GOTH....don't tell, Okay. I remember when I was about 6 or 7 I used to pretend I was a vampire. I'm not sure why. I also remember at that time I was missing the teeth next to my canine teeth, which enabled me to tuck my lower lip into the missing space, giving the appearance that I had fangs. I had a lot of fun with this. May I also add that I would rock the popped collar look at this time. Fast forward 7 or so years. I have been given the nickname Timmy, and have probably spent over $ 2,000 at my local Hot Topic, I also know the names of most of the employees. Not exactly something to brag about, I know. I take the whole "Dark Look" in moderation by mixing edgy pieces with girly stuff too, but on some occasions I do indulge in busting out the Tripp bondage pants and going full out "Lets go party in the Graveyard". What can I say, its fun to watch peoples reactions. Which is why I propose that this coming week be "Lets Dress Like Our Darkside Week" and bust out those fishnets and combat boots you keep in the back of your closet!
-Dark Chocolate- YUMMY DEE-LICOUS!! I strongly recommend that you all rush to your local grocery store and buy this:
and this one : is especially yummy! MMM...dark chocolate crunch! (I ate that right after I scanned it, lol.)
Words of exit: Scary group polite-ness! I had to get the Hell out of there! --Mum
If its not pretty, it doesn't matter. -- Tim Gun of Project Runway


Courtly Love said...

Did I mention I love you people?
Not in THAT way, not that there's anything wrong with that way...
I like the music player. Except that if I'm listening to my own music, it blasts over it.
Oh well. I still like it.
[PS-I'm going to be a freshman too, but it's not something I like to brag about. haha]

Anonymous said...

i dont know how to do anything!!!

what is mt username??
i dont know it!
imm confused!
help me!!!

Anonymous said...

eh...the anonymous is me...i cant sign in...

Anonymous said...

Sloane is my name!!!

damn...i suck at this...MySpace is easier...eep!!!

Anonymous said...

dark chocolate is my favourite. i have a purdy's near me, and when i come in the person asks, the usual dark? it makes me feel well, famous i guess!

PhoenixHearse said...

Hey, I liked your ideas for Bitchy Monday so much that I changed next week's theme to telemarketers. My idea of restaurants was just stupid.

So if you want, you can post a new comment, or I can still post the comment you already left.
