
Gingham and Smoothies are Healthy Alternatives to Actual Happiness or Anti-Depressants

Chocolate is not the comfort food everyone says it is. It is lovely, to be sure, but not so lovely that I wouldn't prefer sucking down smoothies in plastic-sealed wonder-cups, from Frootie Smoothie! And dancing in GINGHAM! Gingham is God's fabric. The angels sleep upon gingam sheets, and God Himself where's a great big flowy blue gingham robe. But what if one were to spill their smoothie on their gingham? T'would be disastorous! You can't combine two things of such awesomness! It would DESTROY THE WORLD!

p.s. god people, please don't jump me.

First official Cat post !!!!

Mr. Frenchie and Jean-Claude Pierre rant and rave intelligently about SMOOTHIES and GINGHAM!
May include "fabulous" gingham capes and tainted smoothies.
click to enlarge or right-click save to your computer
Words of exit: You can tell how much he loves her by the way he gracefully throws her over his shoulder, lovingly spins her around and sweetly calls her "Sack-O-Potatoes!" "SACK-O-POTATOES!!"


Pastor Farm said...

How can something be so colorful, yet so creepy?

Anonymous said...

I'm slightly afraid of smoothies now. Of course, I've always been slightly afraid of all the bright colors at Jamba Juice...

Itsnopicknick said...

smoothies maybe...not so sure about the gingham. if i were caught wearing gingham in my town - sure i'd be lynched.

Anonymous said...


recently you left a comment on my blog. basically I am not emo.

Im just not the happiest person lately thts all.

i wud never cut myself. so many lives are made worse tht way. and ilike thier music, but i dont even own an album. so dont assume i must be emo. just coz im a little upset. thankyou.

PhoenixHearse said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
PhoenixHearse said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog and adding a comment, but I think I may have deleted one of yours by accident when I was the Bitchy Monday comments! I'm so sorry! Stupid Haloscan!!

BTW, the anonymous up there ^ creeps me out.

[Bexxi_x] said...

Yer I know they dont.. but it saves me sitting round all day doing nothing!
Your blogs interesting!

Anonymous said...

I lurve smoothies. I like when they put that powder stuff in it to make it seem all x core and what not.