
Somthing Wicked This Way Bloggs

I have made my blogging debut!
My best friend Marianna's dad is a photographer for the local news paper and they needed someone to blog about their "Harry Potter Experience" and I was asked to do the job!!!
Good friends, I Have Arrived
Words of exit: He Lives!


alexgirl said...

Great article! Very exciting.
You make it sound like Christmas morning at Barnes & Noble! Woo hoo.
I haven't read the book yet.
Cool blog, btw.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, my friend!

- said...

interesting blog

Courtly Love said...

That is awesome!

Oh, and since you read the book and I'm not afraid of spoiling it for you....

I BAWLED like a baby when Dobby died. He was my favorite character, and that whole part where he died was SO DEPRESSING.

Courtly Love said...

ps:Whatever happened to your blogging partner anways Timmy? Or is there still two of you?

Courtly Love said...

dear timmy,

where the HALE are you[imagine dionne from antm saying this and then, and only then will it make sense/be funny]? I miss you terribly.


Courtly Love said...

Well I hadn't seen the new video, so I just googled 'FOB Videos' and now I've seen it with all the cats and dogs and what have you. And do you know what I realized? P33T AND I HAVE THE SAME HAIRCUT WHAT THE HALE AM I GOING TO DO WITH MYSELF? WE'RE TALKING ALMOST TWIN STATUS HERE OK.

Bah humbug. Shouldn't his hair be all spiky and pineapple shaped like it was in the last video?

Courtly Love said...

PS:Did I mention how upset I am that The Firecrotch Extraordinaire stole my haircut?

PSS: Hemingway stole the entire show. I like him much better in this video then when he's mucking up the front of DKNY by Pete designed t-shirt.

Anonymous said...

omg that rips 4 u!!! i kno that u commented my last post and sed that u didnt miss me but i kno that u were JUST JOKING LOL
xo ec

Anonymous said...

if you don't make a new post tyra banks will come to your house at night and cut u.

an anonymous anon who luvs p33t whence

Courtly Love said...

When I went to school today I saw a girl who looks EXACTLY like you, except her hair is pink and purple in the front. I almost said hi but then I rembered that you don't live in PA. You should come to my school, everyone there likes peet whence and ugly shoes. ]:

Courtly Love said...


Oh yes, I know of the World's Most Retarded Crew very very well. Let's just say they're well known in the fandom for stirring shit...

in laymen's terms:they're big FIRECROTCHES

SICK. said...


ps - DOBBY DIES!? noooooo!
he was the best, i'm going to be so sad, just like when i cried when they tried to kill ET in ET.

Courtly Love said...

The "lovely" E Cizzle is the one that was engaged to Blondie and then got DUMPED. I would feel sorry for her, but she is possibly the worst of the bunch. Oh the stories I could tell you...